
Anything and Everything

Archive for September 26th, 2007

Its Wednesday

Posted by NonaTheNinja on September 26, 2007

Haven’t posted in awhile… ohhh well…

So I’ve come down with my throat infection thingy again. I really need to carve out some time next year to have my tonsils removed. With the new job I get some more vacation and might be able to take some of it under the “unlimited personal/sick” days policy but I’d have to check with HR.

Needless to say this throat thing has me pretty much out of it. I’m using some anti-biotics that I stole from mom but tonight is my last dose so I”ll have to hit up the pharmacy known as mom later this week. Hopefully she’ll have something for me because since I’m on my 90 day probation period at work I can’t take any sick days or be late or anything. With all that said, it means I have not been up early to take shadow for a walk. I was up on sunday and monday and did it both days, but once I got hit with this full on, I couldn’t do it.

Monday the alarm people came and setup everything in the house. YAY. So no more trying to break into my house cause the alarm will go off.

Shadow is being really weird latley. He has been really rambunctious and just wanting to play all the time. Then he doesn’t want to sleep through the night anymore, saying he needs to go out at like 3am but he really doesn’t. I can only attribute it to him not getting enough exercise throughout the day. No big yard means he doesn’t have room to run around, and its not just a simple as getting outside and throwing a toy around (all 5 minutes of it) it means you have to take him on a walk and just not a short one, but a nice long one. This presents a problem because once I get home its dark, and I’m tired, and walking around certain parts of the neighborhood at night probably isn’t a good idea. Which is why Jess and I are gonna try to rent out the TH and grab another property. Not sure how long that is gonna take, but we’ll just have to wait and see.

Heroes came out on Monday. I have to say that I enjoyed the episode but was kinda disappointed where they are taking the show with Peter. But we’ll just have to see where the show develops.

Yesterday was the season premier of House and Boston Legal. I could only DVR one of them so we chose Boston Legal and we’ll have to catch House on the internet or re-run which is a bummer. Or we could upgrade to another DVR for the bedroom but I really don’t see that much need for just one show costing us $10 a month. Today comes the second episode of the new “Kelsey Grammer” show at either 8 or 9. Also we have Bionic Women coming out tonight. I have that all setup to DVR so maybe this weekend while Jess is singing at her concert I can catch that. Of course, Smallville premiers tomorrow and I can’t wait to catch that season. I have a feeling though that this will be the last season for them.

So one another topic, I have been really interested in these Escape the Room games recently. Pretty much any free chance I get I try to load one up and see how well I can do. Today I finally finished the fourth one in the series. You can check out the entire series at:

They were all fun, and they all make you think. They even have some built in traps to make you thing wrong in order to solve the puzzles. If anyone knows of any other good ones out there, please let me know, I would love to try them. I have found a couple other sites that had some, but most were in Japaneses so I didn’t really try to do them

Mel bailed on me for lunch today….. Evil Mel…. Naw I’m just kidding, although she did bail on me, shes not evil. I’m sick so I didn’t really feel like hitting up a restaurant for lunch anyways ya know? Her birthday is Sunday so I gotta get her a card or something.

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